Affordable Logo Design Contest at

Do you know what the most important thing is when you start a new blog?
You might say, selecting a niche, a theme or high quality content.
Though being very true; it’s not what truly important.
According to me, what’s really important when you start a blog is ‘the right Logo’.
If you go little wrong with niche, theme or content you can go back and change it later.
But if you go wrong with the logo, it will cost you a lot more to change it again.
And just how you can’t go outside with bad clothes, you can’t put a bad logo for display on your site.
This is the reason why, I concentrate and invest a little more to design logo for my site That’s why people appreciate the logo a lot.

isn’t it cool?

How much Important (and costly) is the Right Logo?

Do you know?
Pepsi, the world’s popular Cola Drink company, had paid around $1 Million to design its logo, where as BBC (British Broadcasting Centre) had paid around $1.8 Million for its logo where as the UK Petroleum company, British Petroleum (BP) paid a whooping $223 Millions to get its logo.

Image Credits: SameTomorrow
You check even more here.
That’s how much importance these brands give to design its logo.
But don’t worry, if you’re starting out with a new blog, you don’t need to pay such astronomical price but a good logo also won’t come at the cost of a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
That’s why I found a solution for you to look upon! Logo Design Contest is here to Help you!
If there’s one person in this blogosphere I know who has burned hands in logo designs, then it’s definitely me.
There have been several times, when I had to pay for a logo I didn’t appreciate because the designer just wanted my money and didn’t understood my passion for a blog’s branding.
This is the reason why I learned logo designing myself (it took me almost 6 months).
But don’t worry, due to Logo123 design contest you don’t have to spend 180 days to design a logo. rather being a logo designing site, is a logo contest holding website. Here you post your logo requirements and a set of highly professional logo designers will try to design a logo as per you want.

This gives you freedom to not deal with a single logo designer, you get the chance to see concept of 50+ designers who design a logo similar to your requirements.
So instead of looking at portfolios of logo designers,’s mini logo contest allows to you see about 50+ various logo concepts of your brand/blog and from it you can choose the one you want.
It has 3 simple packages with no other complications like add-ons and so to choose from. You can see all the packages by clicking here.

To get a hang of what I’m talking about, you can see the number of logos designed for this particular company who held a contest on


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