How to Create the Perfect Viral & Shareable Content:

Social media is everything nowadays; from blogs like WordPress to sharing photos on Instagram and Facebook pages to exchanging intellectual ideas across platforms like Google Plus, everyone is participating in this growing online dialogue by having some sort of online presence now. And the trend is only just beginning.
It doesn’t matter if you are a company or an individual; it doesn’t matter if you are doing business with other businesses, or if you are looking to grow a following over a brand, or if you are just searching for an easy way to communicate with friends, family or travel buddies – the Internet is the new telephone directory, the new doorbell, the new face-to-face interaction. Social media is your best method for getting there.
Social media platforms vary in size, shape, color and language, but one thing is certain: the stage is there on every site allowing you to create compelling content. The question you’ve been asking yourself, however, is how.

The Secret Formula for The Perfect Viral Share

To create compelling content isn’t just about repeating posts and cross-breeding your photos across platforms – you need to figure out how to go viral.
Most of the content that goes viral online is viral for a reason: viral shares are able to tap into an audience’s positive emotions, provoking an emotive response in turn. If you want to figure out a way to get more shares and likes for your posts, then you need to be careful and analytical about what you post – do your research, figure out what is trending, and find a catchy way to stand out above the rest of your competition. A unique, refreshing voice is always welcome in the sea of social media posts and sites.
Although going viral isn’t a complete science, if you keep these tips in mind while you post online then you’ll have a much better chance of getting the following you’re looking for. 
To summarize everything we discussed above, and much more, check out the secret formula for creating shareable content in the infographic below.


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