Mini Composer: High-Performance Wordpress Page Builder Plugin

Mini Composer: High-Performance Wordpress Page Builder Plugin
Current Version 1.1.6
If you are in lower version, please update via wp-admin > updates

About this plugin

MiniComposer is the first-ever BACK-END Page Builder for Wordpress coming with top-notch features, which you have never experienced before. It enables you to create unlimited page layouts with text, image, button, etc. in 0-second constant time delay.

You might find it hard to believe that there exists such a powerful plugin that can handle numerous tasks perfectly without any delay – even on content-heavy websites or with humble Internet connection, while delighting you with an intuitive and super easy-to-use interface at the same time. But here the magic is true.

NO Ajax, NO jQuery UI in BackEnd – MiniComposer is based on 100% tailored yet world-class code. This sophisticated workload explains the mighty loading speed. It is fully compatible with 36 default elements as well. Additionally, you are equipped with various tools such as profile, section, row, column and element to fulfill your layouts. Last but not least, this plugin empowers you to create page effortless with carefully selected features such as drag-n-drop operation, element editing with one click, instant saving without reloading the browser, publishing and un-publishing possibility to a name but a few. MiniComposer assures that you will be surprise with a bunch of distinctive features which you haven’t seen anywhere else.

This rock star is suitable for both End Users and Developers. So look no further, let MiniComposer elevate your page creating and editing to a whole new level immediately!

>> Try the Demo.MiniComposer.Com

Mini Composer Features

Native Drag and Drop builder for Ultra-High performance
No Ajax in actions, save hours waitting
Ctrl+S quick mode saving without reload
Instant Editing can change content, image, maps in preview
Over 36 default elements & widgets all you need to build any layout
Fully support copy, cut, double, paste elements
Compatible all default WP Widgets and 3rd party plugin widgets
Shortcode Filter load css, js only when needed
Sections Manager create sections and manage by profiles
Advanced Mini Box transform code to visually and opposite
Unlimited Containers row in row, tab in tab, column in column…etc…
Extendable easily customisable by adding your own shortcodes
Templates customizable every elements with template system
Content Type you can enable MiniComposer for post, custom post-type
Background Parallax create row full-width, full-height with image parallax
Background Video auto play video as background
CSS Box Add custom css for rows, elements
Over 20+ useful param types for any purpose
Locate profile export what you did and locate for installing in another place
Download / Upload Profiles download, upload, storage profiles.
Theme Intergration easily integrate to any theme
Mini Row
Mini Box
Mini Tabs
Mini Accordion
Mini Icons
Mini Text Block
Mini Gallery
Mini Sliders
Mini carousel for post and images
Mini Maps
Mini Sliders
Mini Flip Box
Mini Piechart
Mini Progress Bar
Mini Sliders
Mini Buttons
Mini Player
Mini Counter
Mini Socials



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