My Social Network (App and Website):

My Social Network – application for android and web site!

With My Social Network you can easily and simply create your own personal social network. With My Social Network you can publish posts, read the posts of friends, to have a personal conversation with your friends in real time, and more.

My Social Network application is built in Android Studio. The server side is built on object oriented php with a MySQL database. Installation of the server part is done quickly in a few simple steps.

About admin panel:

The full-featured admin panel allows you to manage user accounts. With sections Stream and Messages Stream You can see in real time what is happening in your social network now. Also, the admin panel has other important features: view personal conversations of users and management of advertising in the application.
About the main functions:

Feed section will show you the posts of users for whom you are following and your posts.
Stream section it shows the posts of all users. Global stream posts.
Popular section it shows 50 posts sorted by popularity. We can say this: Top 50.
Friends section will show you the users for whom you are following.
Profile section: this is your personal profile, where you can see your posts, you can edit your personal information, change the photo or cover.
In the Messages section you can see all your conversations.
Section Notifications: Here you see the history of notifications of new likes, comments and new followers.
Application Features:

Re-post function
Edit/Delete posts
Support Emoji in comments, private messages and posts
Search users
Followers | Following
Share My Location in posts
Posts for everyone and only for followers
Blocked List
Personalize your notifications
Direct Messages with images/photos (Real time)
Submitting tickets to support from application
Abuse reports to the posts and users
Facebook login|sign up|connect|disconnect
Images and photos in posts
Profile photo and cover
Verified profiles
Push notifications about new comments, likes, followers, messages
AdMob banner
And much more …
Website Features:

The same functionality as in the application.
Multilingual web site. Easy to add new languages.
Search hashtags.
Search friends from Facebook.
Admin panel Features:

Posts Stream (View and Delete)
Messages Stream (View and Delete)
View abuse reports to post and users
Support section
Edit user profile
Block|unblock user profile
View personal user conversations
On/Off AdMob banner for all users or for an individual user
View recently sent messages (GCM)
Send push notifications (GCM) to all users or for an individual user

v1.7 – (14.02.2016) | How to update – See documentation
Added communities (simple implementation).
Fixed minor bugs
v1.6 – (22.01.2016) | How to update – See documentation
Added a simple photo gallery.
Fixed minor bugs
v1.5 – (07.01.2016) | How to update – See documentation
Added support for Emoji in private messages, comments and posts.
Fixed several minor bugs
v1.4 – (30.12.2015) | How to update – See documentation
Added the ability to do repost.
Fixed several minor bugs
v1.3 – (21.12.2015) | How to update – See documentation
Added the ability to respond to comments and also notification of replies
Fixed several minor bugs
v1.2 – (14.12.2015)
Added section Stream
Added section Popular
Now users can see who is online/offline
Added other little things :)
Fixed several minor bugs
v1.1 – (12.12.2015)
Added messages and notifications counters (application and web site)
Fixed several minor bugs

Hosting with support apache mod_rewrite, PHP, MYSQL



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